— 3.4 miles — 2 hours — Easy/ Moderate — 800 ft. Elevation gain —
While Indian Grave Gap is most well known for the hike on the AT up to Beauty Spot, there’s more to explore in the other direction that deserves a visit. If you want the views of Beauty Spot, but want complete seclusion, this is the hike for you. The Indian Grave Gap to Overlook hike provides 180° views of Beauty Spot and the surrounding area, with some wonderful rocks to scramble around on.
Getting There
From I-26
- Take exit 36 and drive towards Erwin.
- Turn right at the first stoplight onto TN 107.
- After a half mile, turn left at the stoplight onto Rock Creek Road, Hwy 395.
- Continue 6 miles to the state line (which is Indian Grave Gap). There will be a small parking area on the left side, parallel to the road, just before an unmarked gravel road that would lead up to Beauty Spot. Park in this lot.
The Hike
The Appalachian Trail crosses the road at Indian Grave Gap. Instead of heading the typical route up to Beauty Spot, from the parking area, cross the road. Right after you cross, you will see a short set of stairs to your right with the the iconic white AT blaze. This is the start of the hike from Indian Grave Gap to the Overlook.

The first little bit will be just steep enough to get the heart rate up, but don’t worry, it levels out shortly. Most of the rest of the hike on the AT is gentle up and down sections. At approximately 1.3 miles, there will be a sharp switchback with a small, not widely recognizable unmarked trail on the right that continues up the hill. Take this social trail. Again, the first portion of this section is steep, but it will become less steep and continues upward. Keep winding your way up the trail for approximately 0.3 miles. At certain times of year, this spur trail may seem a little overgrown, but still passable. You will know when you reach the end, since you’ll reach some rock outcroppings that you can easily scramble up to get beautiful 180 degree views of Beauty Spot and the surrounding mountains and valley. Once you’re ready to leave, just retrace your steps back to the parking area.