View from Little Rock Knob with fall colors

Welcome to Steffan ‘Splorin!

Memorial Day Weekend 2022 we wanted to go on a new hike. Some friends had mentioned a hike on the TN/NC border in passing a few months earlier. We scoured the web to find the hike. Unfortunately most of what we found was not helpful. We ended up combining 3 different articles to get accurate information on the hike. That’s when the idea was born! There are a lot of resources for hiking across the country, but there isn’t a lot of information in the Appalachian Highlands. Our hope is to create a space where locals can find new trails, visitors can get helpful suggestions, and to challenge ourselves to discover and explore new areas of the beautiful southern Appalachians.

Meet Jackie

Jackie on the Sky Pond Trail in Rocky Mountain National Park
Sky Pond Trail- Rocky Mountain National Park

Jackie is the dreamer and site admin behind Steffan ‘Splorin. A statistician by trade, Jackie is originally from Maryland and has lived in Johnson City for 5 years. Outside of hiking, she enjoys gardening, reading, and drinking copious amounts of coffee.

Favorite Local Hike: Hump Mountain

Fun Fact: Jackie once had fly fishing lessons from a famous fly fisherman

Meet Andy

Andy on the Lathrop Trail, Canyonlands National Park
Lathrop Trail – Canyonlands National Park (Island in the Sky District)

Andy is our resident photographer and chauffer. He is an Engineer and keeps a handy spreadsheet to track all our hikes. Andy is from North Carolina, he prides himself as being the # 1 NC State fan. He will happily discuss the highs and (many) lows of being a part of the Wolfpack.

Favorite Local Hike: Little Rock Knob (in the fall!)

Fun Fact: Andy dabbles in white water kayaking!